I love to listen to Podcasts. It's my favorite way to pass the time while driving or on a walk or at the gym. One of my current favorites...
I love to listen to Podcasts. It's my favorite way to pass the time while driving or on a walk or at the gym. One of my current favorites...
A few months ago, a friend told me she was taking a step back from social media. One of her reasons is that she was seeing a lot of...
A few weeks ago I was driving my husband to work since his car was getting new tires. On the way, he asked me if there was a restaurant I...
Welcome back. So, we left off that I did a year of volunteer service through the Mercy Volunteer Corps. When that year ended, I was...
The long story short is: I have been searching for a "church home" since I was roughly 19 years old, and I finally found it at 35. And...
I recently went through a bit of a rough patch. I won't go into details here, but I am taking one step at a time forward. One of the...
I've noticed that I don't really feel my age. Which, if you're curious, is 35. A full grown adult with tons of responsibilities....
Look out, babes, she's blogging again. Lately I have found myself desperate to write. But I'll be honest, the idea of doing pen to paper...
Because I lost my dad in my early 30’s, I’ve had peers come to me for advice on how to support their friends when they lose a parent....
On Sunday, I got news that my friend's dad passed away. It hit me like a ton of bricks. Yes, it reminded me of my own grief and loss of...
The last thirteen weeks of my life have been a constant learning experience. Since babies don't come with manuals (but they should),...
Dear Future Self; As challenging as this phase of life is, you're going to miss it one day. And you may even feel guilty for feeling the...
Disclaimer: Postpartum Anxiety is very common, but often "invisible". If you are suffering, talk to your OB. I have postpartum anxiety....
Since my last post was discussing advice that WASN'T helpful, I thought I'd share some of the things people have told me that HAVE been...
When I was pregnant, the number one thing I kept hearing is "sleep when the baby sleeps". I'm here to tell you why that advice- as well...
Every so often, just as Zackary is drifting off into sleep, he will look up into a corner and smile. Some would say "it's just gas"....
Dear Zackary; To you, this is just another day, where you will sleep, eat, pee/poop, and be held and snuggled. You don't know yet the...
I've been a mom for two weeks, and there are so many things I am learning and relearning about myself. I have an overwhelming urge to...
About 3 times a day, I ask "what day is it?". I lose my phone approximately every 5 minutes. I wear the same clothes to bed that I wore...
I’ve heard how great Tom is doing from nurses, friends, and family. And I be sure to tell him myself, too, and to thank him. I don’t...