Shining A Light on PMDD
Fun fact about me: I used to host a podcast called Shine A Light. The idea was to shine a light on things that we don't often talk about....
Fun fact about me: I used to host a podcast called Shine A Light. The idea was to shine a light on things that we don't often talk about....
I was always a shy kid, in family videos you can see me hiding behind my parents to avoid talking to other adults. I never raised my hand...
It's time to share the biggest lesson I learned in May. This is probably going to be a super short blog, because I am struggling to...
Around 2019, Tom and I decided we wanted to visit a new state every year. I got the idea from a coworker. She was in my cube talking...
When people ask me about my days of having a newborn, I say I don't remember them. But the truth is, I don't WANT to remember them. I...
The lesson I learned in April was one I have been learning and relearning for so damn long....and it is : Two things can be true. It's a...
Around 5:30 this morning, I got a text from a friend telling me that Mandisa had passed away. My entire body went numb, and I felt sick...
There is a story about my childhood that I tell when I am talking about anxiety. When I was 6, I woke my parents up in the middle of the...
In early March I put an ask out on Instagram for writing topics. Someone had suggested "the biggest lesson you learned in...
Growing up, Easter usually fell while my family and I were on our annual trip to Fort Walton Beach, Florida. We'd go to church at the...
The other day I was waiting for a photo editing app to load and had to sit through an ad that looked a lot like Tetris. And I was...
On March 13th, 2020, we entered lockdown for the covid-19 pandemic. I have been thinking about this date a lot, and how much has changed...
I added the book Starfish to my "To Read" list over a year ago. It's labeled "juvenile fiction", which I sometimes read because I find...
I am not a "magic making" mom. I saw a post on Instagram a few days ago about moms who make sure their kids have magical holidays. I'm...
I sat down and imagined what my 19 year old self would ask my 36 year old self. And then I wrote back to her. Dear Future Self; I have so...
A quick google search with the question "how long do Millennials stay at jobs" will show a plethora of articles and think pieces on this...
Yesterday, we did things a little differently at church. Instead of having service in the sanctuary and sitting in pews, we all met in...
A few weeks ago I heard a postcat interview with writer Elizabeth Gilbert, where she was talking about her "Letters from Love" project....
I am of the generation that was introduced to the internet as adolescents. I can remember a childhood without internet and cell l phones,...
When I was thinking about what I wanted to share tonight, one of the first things I reflected on was the phrase “The Longest Night”. I...