I am not a "magic making" mom.
I saw a post on Instagram a few days ago about moms who make sure their kids have magical holidays. I'm talking themed food and outfits, cute crafts and fun surprises for every holiday. The post was sweet and talked about how much this particular mom LOVED doing these things. It fills their bucket.
I think that's really beautiful. I love that these moms want to do something special for their kids.
But I am not that mom. And I'm going to be honest, I don't really want to be that mom. Because it's not me. It never has been me. And at first, I felt bad about this. I thought... I'm not making Leprechaun footprints through the house. Zack didn't wake up to a gift or a special breakfast on Valentine's Day. Am I a bad mom because I didn't do those things? Worse, am I a bad mom because I really don't WANT to do those things? Should I suck it up and do them because it will make him happy and look cute on Instagram?
I've decided, though, that Zack may not be getting a "making magic" mom but he's getting an authentic mom. When he's an adult, he may not say "my mom always made sure every holiday was so much fun". But he may say "my mom was a nerd who belted out Broadway tunes and I love her for that".
Here is what I want to say to all the moms (and dads) out there. If you are not the Pinterest definition of a "magical mom", that's okay. If you ARE, that's okay, too! I love that it makes you happy. There is no right way or wrong way to be. But I want to tell you that YOU are the magic. Your presence, your time, your hugs. Reading books, helping with homework, driving to sports. You show up. Again and again, even when you're tired. That's magical. I was recently talking about my dad, and why he meant so much to me. It honestly is pretty simple: he always showed up. It's what I will always cherish about him and the kind of parent he was. No glitter required. Just presence.