It's time to share the biggest lesson I learned in May.
This is probably going to be a super short blog, because I am struggling to figure out how to expand on the lesson I learned. So much so that I almost didn't post it at all. But, one day I may need to relearn this here it is.
It's that we all have different perspectives.
People can have the same news delivered to them and perceive it differently.
People can witness something happen and perceive it differently.
You get my point. When I think about this, I am reminded of an episode of This is Us. The family goes to therapy, and even though they are talking about the exact same situations from the past, they have VASTLY different points of view of what actually happened, or how they felt.
So, how did this come up for me in May?
There were some things going on at work, and while we all got the same e-mails, had the same team calls, etc., we had very different feelings and perspectives of all of it. Some were angry and that rubbed off on others. Some were sad. Some were complacent. Some of us were hopeful.
I had to remind myself, often, that I am allowed to have my own feelings and perspective on things, and I can't let what other people think or feel dictate how I think or feel.
I have no words of wisdom to leave you with, so instead I will leave you with a quote