In Sickness and In Health
A couple of weeks ago, my fairly normal, quiet life had a disruption. I pulled into my driveway around 9 pm, coming home late from a work...
A couple of weeks ago, my fairly normal, quiet life had a disruption. I pulled into my driveway around 9 pm, coming home late from a work...
I have been deactivated from Facebook and Instagram for almost 40 days. And while that may not seem like a long time to you, aside from...
7 years ago, my dad took his final breath on Earth. A lot can happen in 7 years. Human beings grow from being an infant to a young child....
Well, hi. Last night, I thought I needed to hit pause and rewind on January 2025. Let's stop for a second, go back...and then do what...
My friends. Today has been a terrible, no good, very bad day. Today, I woke up with a feeling of dread and rage. Because yesterday, our...
I'm going to share with you one of the things I believe makes parenting so hard. There are a million things, by the way. There is a...
As I was scrolling through Facebook memories a few days prior to Christmas, I saw a post I had written reminding my Facebook friends to...
I know that approximately 3 people care about my favorite albums in 2024. But I take this list pretty seriously. Anytime an artist I like...
2024 was a wonderful year. Here are some of my favorite memories of the year. Seeing Wicked LIVE and seeing the movie The parents of the...
I was incredibly honored to be asked to speak at the Advent Evening of Reflection at my church this year. My topic was "Hope"...and I...
Dear Zackary; Happy 3rd Birthday! It is cliche to say but so wild that you are turning three. Everyone warned me that life would move...
In 2024, I had 5 people from my life pass away unexpectedly. The thing is, each of those five people were from very different times in my...
As many of you know, I have been a member and a staff for The Barre Code (now known as Barre 3) for about 6-7 years. We were The Barre...
Here's a common thread I have noticed in my life: I am often on the outside. Let me explain. I have a lot of people in my life who I...
There are two things in my parenting life I have been thinking a lot about lately. The first is something I am dubbing "Milestone Mania"....
I started working for the American Cancer Society in February 2014. In September of that same year, I recall seeing photos of our...
A few weeks ago I was in therapy and after ranting about something, I said "I mean, people just aren't doing what I think they should be...
A couple of years ago, I was listening to an episode of the We Can Do Hard Things podcast where Elizabeth Gilbert was the guest. Now, I...
Dear Me; Happy Birthday. It has come to my attention that you have some thoughts swirling around your head that aren't quite true. Let's...
To keep my runs interesting, something I have been doing is listening to Taylor Swift's entire discography, start to finish. I like doing...