Dear Zackary;
Happy 3rd Birthday! It is cliche to say but so wild that you are turning three. Everyone warned me that life would move fast. It's funny, but no matter how many times I've been told that, it didn't help me to prepare for the feeling of it.
I remember writing this letter last year. I was so scared about the "terrible two's". It turns out, I didn't have much to worry about. You have been a dream. Of course, you've had moments. But to date, you've never thrown a tantrum in public. You transitioned off the pacifier much easier than I imagined. You're full of sweetness and hugs and giggles. You have your "punk boy" moments (that is what daddy calls them). But we know it's just your big feelings finding a way out of your tiny body. Your new trick is to look at me with your big blue eyes and say "are you mad?" followed closely with "YOU'RE PRETTY!".

So let's reflect back on this past year. Your language exploded and suddenly you're speaking in full sentences, making up scenarios, and talking vividly about things that happened 6 months ago. You moved up from the "toddler 2" room at daycare to young preschool. Your "best friends", according to you, are Anthony, Nolan, Baker, and Lily. You were really brave this year, too. You did a few things that scared you, like running through a bounce house obstacle course. Your favorite foods are mac and cheese, pasta, and chicken nuggets.

What were you into this year? Cars, cars, and more cars. That is what you played with 99% of the time, and we could almost always find you with cars clutched in your hands anytime we went anywhere. You were Lightning McQueen for Halloween and we listened to the Soundtrack and the story of Cars in the car more than I even listened to Taylor Swift, and that is a lot.

Our favorite memory of this year is our family trip to Wisconsin. In a quest to visit all 50 states, we took a road trip to Milwaukee. We enjoyed a week away, and had some fun adventures. We can't wait to keep taking you on trips and seeing the world through your eyes.

You also did your first activity besides swim lessons- SOCCER! It was so fun to do this with you, and entertaining to watch 10 toddlers attempt to play soccer. I am excited to keep witnessing you try new things.

So what will this next year bring, Zack? Well, hopefully we complete potty training. We're in the midst of it now and it's been a real challenge, but you are being brave and patient. But aside from that, I am just excited to keep watching you grow and learn and to see what kinds of things you start to like.
You are a beautiful gift to this world, Zackary. You are kind and gentle and sweet and funny. You are a friend to everyone in your class, you love to interact with babies, you adore your family. It is such a privilege to be your mom. I am grateful for all the snuggles, car rides, shopping trips, and adventures. But mostly, I just love to talk to you. To hear your voice, and your thoughts. What you have to say is important, and I never want you to feel like you can't be yourself, especially around me. I love you and will love you no matter what.

Also, my love, I have been making you a playlist since your infant days of songs you love. This year we listened to a lot of the same songs over and over from Cars, Spidey, or Thomas the Train. But, you for sure have your favorites!
