Over the summer, my Pastor did a little series where each week his sermon was based on a different song from the Beatles. As someone who loves music, I really enjoyed the series.
As some of you know, I've been doing couch to 5k since May and once I finished the program I was running 3 miles anywhere from 1-3 times a week. To make the runs a little more exciting, I ran through the entire discovraphy of my two favorite artists, Taylor Swift and Kelly Clarkson. Then, I ran through my four favorite musicals: Rent, Les Mis, Wicked, and Hamilton.
So I'm stealing my Pastor's Beatles series idea and writing a blog based on a lyric from those musicals for the next few posts.
We'll start with Rent.
What I am about to write about is not anything you haven't read before. This very topic is written about and spoke about all the time. But personally, I think we need the reminder any chance we can get.
And that message is: Measure your life in love.
I think we are so obsessed with numbers. How much money we make, how much we weigh, our age, the calories we burn and steps we take. We're also obsessed with accomplishments- or what we THINK success looks like. Job titles, house sizes, type of car, marital status, education level.
But what if we wiped all of that away? What if, at the end of each day, instead of asking "what did I accomplish today?" we ask "where did I give and receive love today?"
If you were to strip everything away from your life and just solely focus on what LOVE means to you, what would come to mind? I'm going to guess it's not a scale or a paycheck. I'm going to guess you picture the people you love, the things you love to do. That is what matters. Truly.
If you're having trouble thinking about how you gave or recieved love today, remember it does not require a grand gesture. It's in the little moments.
For me, today, that meant:
Tom waking up with Zack and letting me sleep. Making myself egg white muffins so that I had a healthy breakfast ready to go all week.
Giving Zack lots of hugs and kisses before he went to daycare.
Making my coworker laugh out loud.
Using a nice warm blanket that was given to me by someone special to me after I had Zack.
Getting outside to move my body
Seeing Zack run across the room and into my arms when I picked him up
Making dinner for my family
Supporting my coworkers while they hosted a webinar
Kissing the tears on Zack's cheeks after he cried when I put his play doh away, and snuggling him to calm him down.
These are acts of love. This is how I want my life to be measured. By the love I give and the love I receive. And not just to others, but to myself.
