Lately I get my writing inspiration from podcasts. I'm always about a week or two behind on my favorite podcasts, because #momlife . But, my favorite podcast, Girls Just Pod To Have Fun. recently talked about bravery, and it stirred up a lot of feelings.
I started to think that I have really only started to "be brave" over the last five years or so. But that really wouldn't be fair to younger Megan.
I was brave in second grade when I had to do the reading at the First Communion ceremony. I was brave for going to a different high school than most of my friends I had known my whole life. I was brave for running for student council, for being a retreat leader. I was brave for going away to college even though I didn't want to leave home. I was brave for rushing a sorority. I was brave for doing a year of volunteer service, living with complete strangers in Detroit. I was brave when I completed a 1/2 marathon, even if it meant walking. I was brave when I left the comfort of my first full time job for a new job with the American Cancer Society, where I still am today.
My younger self did not think she was brave. She would have laughed at that description. But when I look back at all the brave things I've listed and so many more I didn't, I think she may be one of the bravest people I know.
And while I don't want to diminish or overuse the word "brave", I think each and every one of us show bravery every day, in both small and big ways. So if no one has told you lately that you are brave, or if you haven't felt very brave, take a step back and think of all the things you've had to do that were scary to you, and you did them anyways. You, my friend, are brave.
